Can affirmations change your life?

You're about to find out!


Hola, Fierce Feminina,

There isn’t an instruction manual or a guided map with big signs saying “Start Here” and “Finish Here” when learning how to Be’ yourself.

The journey of learning to Be’ is an unpaved road with detours, forks, rocks, and in some cases boulders (emotional obstacles) that can trip you up along the way.

On my journey, I’ve learned some new techniques. They have helped me to stay focused on my future and overcome the rocks.

Today’s intention is to talk about affirmations and give you a new tool called lofty questions.

Can affirmations change your life?

What is an affirmation? They are the words or phrases we use to describe ourselves or the person we want to be. Many affirmations start with “I AM.”

There is some speculation on the effectiveness of affirmations. Can you repeat the same words or phrases over and over again and instantly begin to embody them?

For example, if I tell myself over and over again that “I AM ENOUGH” will I begin to feel like I am enough automatically. Is there a magic number of times I have to say “I AM ENOUGH” before it becomes really true to me?

The real question isn't, “Can affirmations change your life?” but, Why do they work? Our mind is a powerful thing and it listens to what we say and what it sees. We have a confirmation bias in our head that confirms internally what we believe with what is coming into our minds and hearts.

We all have core beliefs that are imprinted on us throughout our childhood. Some of the most common negative core beliefs are "I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve things, or I’m unlovable.”

Do any of those resonate with you?

But how do we reverse or replace those ideas with new ones? A good therapist or a deep spiritual connection are always great ways to start. But you can still start at home with affirmations.

Research has shown that it’s not about the number of times you repeat “I AM ENOUGH” It’s the extent to which you begin to believe it and internalize the statement.

Is there a negative core belief that you would like to improve? My negative core belief was that I didn’t deserve anything. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t stand to hear people say that they deserved things. I had a deep-seated core belief that people don't deserve anything they don't earn.

If we take it a step further, it was the feeling of being undeserving. My affirmation became “I AM Worthy” of all good things. This affirmation is still on my screen saver to my desktop. By looking at it every day I am challenging my belief that I don’t deserve anything.

Has it worked? Do I instantly feel more deserving? Yes, I do!

Challenging that negative core belief has helped me see that the gifts in life do not have to be earned. I can accept them and Be’ thankful for the blessings I have.

My mind and my heart shifted 💗

What are Lofty Questions?

This is the new idea I wanted to share. Lofty questions are big grandiose questions you ask yourself that challenge core beliefs and are aspirational goals.

While strolling in the morning on my daily walk, the podcast I was listening to started doing a guided visualization. In the visualization, they prompted the listeners to ask themselves a lofty question that challenges a belief or a current behavior they would like to change.

Instantly I thought about how hard I have worked on walking every day and eating right. I asked, “Why do I look like a beauty queen?” I know it sounded absolutely ridiculous. I actually laughed when it came out of my mouth.

But it got me thinking. I’ve been working so hard that I feel like a beauty queen.👸🏽

This is what lofty questions get you to do. They help you to start visualizing yourself as a new person and pushing your mind to think outside the realm of possibility.

Lofty questions help you to expand your understanding of yourself.

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